Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tamarind Tree 2


Tamarind - name of which comes from the Persian "tamar-I-hind," meaning "date of India". Tree grows well in full sun in clay, loam, sandy, and acidic soil types. My Tamarind seedling is growing fast, so I decided to post new photo one month after first one :)

And photo at night with closed leaves :

Health Benefits of Tamarind Fruits
Tamarind is used as a food from ancient times.

Successful therapies included: abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, parasitic infections, fevers, constipation, inflammation, gonorrhea, and eye diseases.

Tamarind extracts were also reported to be antimicrobial, anti-venom, antioxidant, wound healing, and effective against diabetes, malaria, and asthma.

100 grams of tamarind contain impressive amounts of essential nutrients, including: 37% of the daily recommended value in thiamin (B1), 13% in riboflavine (B2) and niacin (B3), 22% in iron, 26% in magnesium, and 16% in phosphorus. Other prominent benefits include niacin, calcium, vitamin C ,B6 , B9, K ,E , copper, fiber, and pyridoxine, proving it to be a uniquely beneficial food.

1 comment:

  1. how to write about what you like ; -)
    nice !
